We provide Acupuncture Selkirk (Victoria) and Acupuncture Sooke BC.
Acupuncture as a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine has been used for thousands of years to restore, balance, increase vitality, reduce pain, and for therapeutic use. This is done by inserting tiny, stainless steel needles into energy points, called “acupoints.” This facilitates circulation of qi, blood, and body fluids. Furthermore, acupuncture can be an effective treatment for men, women, and children’s health across their lifespan. Therefore, it is a therapy that can help the whole family!
Our acupuncturists incorporates holistic, healthy living advice, and massage principles into their acupuncture practice. Therapies also may include: acupressure, electrical current stimulation, Gua Sha, cupping, moxibustion, and herbal heat compress.
Acupuncture can be an effective therapy for many symptoms. These include:
- Stress, depression & anxiety
- PMS, menstruation
- Menopause
- Allergies
- Bloating & indigestion
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Fertility
- Pregnancy and postpartum care
- Pregnancy and postpartum depression and anxiety
- Breast milk production & cessation
- Skin Diseases & Hair Loss
- Low Back pain and sciatica
- Neck & shoulder pain
- Headaches & migraines
- Arthritis/joint pain
- Sports injury
- Automobile injury
- Sleep disturbance
- Stroke recovery
- Neuralgia
- Memory